The market had a negative start to the week as the benchmark Nifty 50 fell by 1.5 percent on January 13 due to broad-based selling, hitting a fresh seven-month low. The index has lost 1,180 points from its January high. Sentiment remains bearish, with the index trading well below all key moving averages. However, a rebound cannot be ruled out, as the momentum indicator RSI has approached near-oversold levels. If a rebound occurs, the index may face resistance in the 23,200–23,350 zone. On the other hand, if the downtrend extends, a fall towards 22,800 is possible,
Levels For The Nifty 50 (23,086)
Resistance based on pivot points: 23,270, 23,340, and 23,452
Support based on pivot points: 23,046, 22,976, and 22,864
The Nifty 50 formed a bearish candlestick pattern with an upper shadow on the daily charts, accompanied by above-average volumes, indicating a lack of demand at higher levels. The index has been forming lower highs for the seventh straight session and continues to trade below all key moving averages. Notably, the 10-day EMA line has fallen below the 200-day EMA. Momentum indicators also maintained a negative bias, with the RSI (Relative Strength Index) at 32.2 (oversold levels are below 30) and the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) signaling continued weakness.
Levels For The NiftyBank(48,041)
Resistance based on pivot points: 48,452, 48,620, and 48,890
Support based on pivot points: 47,912, 47,744, and 47,474
Resistance based on Fibonacci retracement: 49,445, 50,414
Support based on Fibonacci retracement: 47,887, 46,088
The NiftyBank continued its southward journey for the fourth consecutive session, forming a bearish candlestick pattern with a long upper wick on the daily timeframe, reflecting a lack of buying interest at higher levels. The index also traded well below all key moving averages, reinforcing bearish sentiment. The momentum indicator RSI fell to 25.31, its lowest level since October 26, 2023, entering oversold territory and signaling a possible rebound.
source:Network18, vali
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